Matteo Buffa is a PhD in Legal Sciences, curriculum in Sociology of law, title he obtained at the University of Milan with a thesis dedicated to the administrative detention of irregular migrants in Italy and Europe. Licensed as lawyer, as research fellow in sociology of law at the Department of Law of the University of Genoa, he coordinates the legal clinic on migration and international protection and he is referent for the SAR (Scholars At Risk) Italy network. Author of numerous publications and contributions on administrative detention, migration, vulnerability, international protection, protection of unaccompanied foreign minors and didactic of law, he has contributed as case worker for the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) to support national authorities of the Ministry of Interior at the territorial commissions of Gorizia, Trieste and Genoa in refugee status determination process activities. Most recently he was included in the list of external experts of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) as case expert profile. Finally, since 2020, he has been appointed as honorary councilor at the section for minors of the Court of Appeal of Genoa.