Fabio Mugnaini, SIEF, SIAC, ISFNR member, is associate professor at the University of Siena, where he is the Rector’s delegate for prison teaching and coordinator of Unisi.cares (academic support team for asylum seekers and refugees). He currently teaches at undergraduate and post-graduate level in History of Popular Traditions, Anthropology of Performance and Anthropology of Cultural Heritage; his experience in the field, while touching non-European areas, such as Mexico, where he dealt with urban popular culture as well as traditional community life, or more briefly, Somalia, was mainly carried out in Tuscany with a comparative national perspective and European; . has published on the themes of narration and oral tradition, festivals and public events, practices of heritage and local memory, contemporary popular culture and, together with Pietro Clemente, on the epistemology of folkloric studies. Amongst his recent publications, some have been focused on prison conditions as well as on asylum policies.